A year later …


It’s Friday, Harvest Homecoming is in full swing, and if you’ve lived here any amount of time, you know what that means.

October 16, 2007: Harvest Homecoming’s “swill walk” emblematic of clashing demographics.

… No single Harvest Homecoming “event” grandly compromises the committee’s goal of a family friendly festival like the Friday afternoon “beer walk,” which might be termed the “swill walk,” and so I think I will.

There has been a great deal of discussion in the community since we firrst considered the topic last year, and if advance notice is to be trusted, I believe there’ll be tighter enforcement in all aspects in 2008.

Last year I wrote these words:

If NABC’s projected downtown brewing project comes to fruition, I hope to be able to illustrate that beer quality can be good, not bland, and that better beer can be consumed responsibly in a wholesome, entertaining and better atmosphere – which, after all, is the lesson any thinking human being takes away after sitting for a couple of hours drinking beer in a Bavarian beer garden, with playground equipment and young children generally in close proximity. Our future beer sales during Harvest Homecoming will be contained and controlled as far as humanly possible, and we’ll try to offer a higher common denominator. We may fail, but we’ll try.

By day’s end, we’ll know how well we passed the test.