From Matt Denison, Assistant Director of Operations:
…here is an updated list of streets and alleys still closed in New Albany because of power lines entangled in trees or low-hanging wires.
1. Dewey St. between E. 15th and E. 16th St.
2. Near the intersection of Elm St. and Beharrell St.
3. Intersection of Crestview and Old Vincennes Rd. (two trees)
4. Alley between E. 10th St. and E. 11th St. between E. Spring St. and E. Market St.
5. Near intersection E. 11th St. Greenaway. (should be open within the next hour)
6. Intersection of Jackson St. and Hildreth Ave.
7. Alley between W. 9th St. and W. 10th St. off Cherry St.
8. Green Valley Rd. between Gordon Dr. and Greebriar Dr.
9. Alley between Beeler St. and McClain Ave. and between McDonald Ave. and Korb Ave.
10. Virginia Ct. between Spring Ave. and E. Elm St.