Happily, another Blue Law is flushed down the toilet (across the river, that is).


Here’s an idea for our Governor Mitch:

Most cheer Sunday liquor sales; Customers pleased, but others protest
By David Goetz, Louisville Courier-Journal (short shelf life on C-J links).

Indeed, the city of Louisville welcomed another small fragment of the 21st century yesterday with the freeing of package wine and liquor sales on Sunday, setting the stage for even more tax revenue to flow unchecked out of the state of Indiana and into the waiting hands of the Commonwealth.

Of course, Indiana does not allow package sales of beer, wine or spirits on Sunday, although licensed on-premise establishments can serve alcohol according to the dictates of their permits.

Following the money? Check out the license plates on the cars queued and waiting in Portland on Sundays at 12:59 p.m.

Goetz’s article notes the presence of protesters at several package store locations, most of whom oppose alcoholic beverages on religious grounds.

People have six days of the week to go out and get bombed out of their mind if they want to,” said Donna Beasley, one of the church members. “This is the day the Bible mandates that we remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. I don’t think selling liquor on Sunday is a good example of keeping it holy.

Translation: Your theocracy is waiting, Jack Daniels.