Jeffersonville, Schmeffersonville: A jealous Gahan commissions “Hymn to Myself.”


That’s right, Jeffersonville has its own hymn.

This no doubt comes as a relief to the homeless population and those scraping through below the poverty line. They’ll be whistling the tune while they visit the food kitchen.

But we can always count on the local chain newspaper to (a) swallow self-glorifying press releases whole, and (b) entirely miss the irony therein.

Progressing On: New Jeffersonville hymn, artwork revealed, by Tara Schmelz (Hanson’s Folly)

JEFFERSONVILLE — Jeffersonville High School senior Zachery Abrams observed the crowd that gathered along Riverside Drive on Monday afternoon from his location down at the Ohio River bank.

He felt nerves, but took a deep breath to relax as he prepared his baritone to play the new hymn of Jeffersonville.

“Once you see the drum major counting off, you go into professional mode and play with your heart and soul for the band and for the community,” Abrams said.

Community members filled the chairs and bleachers along Riverside Drive, sweating in the September heat, to be among the first to hear the first official hymn of Jeffersonville, titled “Progression.” More than 100 students in the JHS marching band played the seven-plus minute song from the riverbank following the formal dedication of a new sculpture, called “Circum.”